Derby women extend winning streak to 4


We turned up at a cold and windy Lincoln rugby club ready to avenge the win inflicted on us when they visited in 2022.

Team spirit was strong after 3 straight wins but would the Christmas break disrupt our momentum? We shall see…….

The forecasted rain waited until kick off before coming down, and when it did it was a 12 minute deluge. This then dictated the style of play each side primarily used.
Lincoln kicked off with the wind and for the next 19 minutes Derby were unable to get out of their own half although we never looked in danger of conceding thanks to strong defence, excellent rucking and numerous handling errors by both sides leading to a scrum-fest of a first quarter of the match. We more that held our own, won all our own ball and marched the opposition back on more than one occasion when they had the put in.

We got into the oppositions half with a penalty kicked by Lakey to touch, giving us a lineout that we won, gaining metres following a strong run by Atton. During the subsequent ruck we got pinged for holding on so turned the ball over. At the same ruck Laura took a knock so was replaced in the front row by Ella.

The attempted kick to touch by Lincoln ended up straight in Tanyas hands who made a characteristic charge through the defensive line until brought to ground. Ella cleared out, ball got passed to Hoody who took into contact, making metres as she did so. Ball recycled to Ella, rucked back to Carmel and then on to Matilda who powered over the line for our first try, converted by Abbie. 0-7 up after 24’.

The remainder of the half was again in our own half, defending strongly and matching blow for blow in the scrum. Each charge forward by the opposition was met up force by all tacklers including Katie, Atton, Steph and Hoody. We still tried to play our own game, exiting the 22 by moving the ball down the line to Abbie to get round the edge.

No further score in the half, 0-7 to Derby.

We kicked off the second half, was received by Lincoln who in making forward ground passed the ball forward. In the resultant scrum we got pinged for wheeling although to my eyes we were just too strong on this occasion.
The penalty was kicked to touch and after some movement side to side Lincoln got the ball over the line in the corner for a try. Conversion missed, score 5-7 to Derby.
From the kick off we turned the ball over but in doing so knocked on. Scrum led to Lincoln again moving the ball wide where last player Baz tackled from behind the player grabbing on to her shoulders. Judged to be high in spite of no contact to head or neck, prevented a certain try though. The penalty came to nothing though as Derby had time to reset the defensive line and resume the press that was serving us so well.
At 63’ we rang some changes, with Clara and Lauren coming on for Yves & Ruth. Strength coming on for strength!
After 5’ of scrummaging there was another break in play for an injury, Erin came on for Atton. Erin had some big boots to fill and did so admirably for the remainder of the match.

Following a scrum (where we marched Lincoln back and took the ball against the head) in the middle of the field we moved it left, then back to the middle with strong runs by Katie, Ella, and Matilda twice creating enough pressure close to the line for Lincoln to give away a penalty on the 5m line. Lakey tapped and went dotting down over the line for our second try, converted by Abbie. Score now 5-14 to Derby on 72’.
Hoody was spent by the this point so was replaced by Atton for the rest of the game.

Lincoln came back with a vengeance, determined to close the deficit but were unable to do so, with Derby getting within 5m of scoring on 2 further occasions, with Matilda getting the ball over the line although held up.

Towards the end we defended desperately, causing the referee to have a chat with our players as occasionally we were playing close to the edge. However, no further dramas, we saw the game out to claim the win.

FINAL SCORE: Lincoln ladies 5 – Derby ladies 14

All the team played superbly, the forwards all deserve special mention due to the amount of scrums in the match but the backs did their bit too. There were no clean shirts at the end of the match…..

Forward of the match : Matilda Cawdell
Back of the match : Katie Chittenden
Coachers player : Steph Harbon
Opposition player : Matilda Cawdell