Junior Game Reports: 14th November 2021

U16s – Derby vs Lichfield

What a beautiful morning for an under 16’s match at Derby against Lichfield.
After all boys and parents respectfully observed a minute’s silence, the match kicked off.

Lichfield had an explosive start with an early try and conversion. This seemed to put a fire under Derby who responded by going over the try line 4 times before halftime with one conversion. Half-time score 22-7.

The second half saw more excellent rugby from both sides with Derby scoring twice (with one conversion) before Lichfield countered with another 2 tries and one conversion. Derby responded with a further 2 tries before the final whistle blew giving a final score of 44-19.

Some fabulous skills from both sides resulted in a great rugby match. Special mention has to go to Derby’s ball-handling skills which were outstanding today.
Well done to both sides.

U15s Derby vs Melbourne

After a respectful two minutes of silence was shared by players, coaches, and spectators, the game started with a determination on both sides to win.

Derby scored a brilliant try in the first half which was unfortunately shortened due to a player being taken off after a superb tackle that ended badly.

The second half had Melbourne scoring early to even the score to 7 -7.  Excellent tackling on both sides provided a strong defense so it was a great team effort that Derby got their second try of the match bringing the score to 12 – 7. With the great attack, skilled rucking, and anticipation of play, Melbourne came back to score a second, converted try to win the game 14 -12.  Having team players off attending memorial services and 2 injuries, Derby was without subs so all boys really dug deep and kept up a great fight against a strong side.

A great atmosphere on and off the pitch with some really exciting play firing up both players and parents.  Well done Derby, another exemplary performance on a memorable day.  Best wishes Henry on a speedy recovery, we need you back!

U14s – Derby vs Melbourne

Due to the special day, both sides had players with other commitments which is a testimony to both sides. Melbourne organized a very warm welcome and lovely facilities. After a 2 mins silence we kicked off shortly after, Derby started really well as did Melbourne which ended in 1 try each at half time, Melbourne and Derby could have both managed another, or 2, due to handling errors or just great defense.

After Derby gathered their thoughts at half time, they reunited and put on a storming display in the second half, scoring another 2 try’s and missing a couple more try’s only due to Melbourne’s great defense. Derby built on the previous game and won all their own scrums and won a few against the head. Melbourne’s aggressive rucking challenged derby which made it very difficult. A tough/close game. Both teams in the clubhouse afterward, in their shirts and tie enjoying the lovely food put on by Melbourne, swapping stories – looking forward to the return game!

U13s – Derby vs Nottingham Casuals

Following a 2 min silence, the boys were straight into a very competitive game, showing real determination to make the first score, which through some excellent rucking they successfully did. We scored 3 early tries and although dug deep and managed to maintain a slender lead throughout the first 3 quarters, despite having only 2 subs to there 6.

The team really built on some excellent recent mid week training sessions and showed real pace and power in the rucks, with us turning them over frequently throughout the match, together with great protection and support of our ball carriers. The boys recognised and quickly adapted their game to close down the ball from getting to Casuals very fast left winger.

Overall a hugely impressive team performance with great use of width and a great team sprint during the game leading to 6 players going over for tries and ending the final quarter with a handful of tries with a final result of 11-6.

Boys were delighted with the result after a very tough start to the season and they all enjoyed the food and looked very smart in club ties afterwards discussing the game.