Your Club and it’s Future

With the AGM due to take place of 7th June, there’s still plenty of time to come forward and volunteer for a role on the Committee or even roles that do not require Committee involvement.

Commercial Chair is a vacant role we must fill, it is vital to the commercial success of the club, so who do you know that might fit that role and could be asked to join the Committee?

Treasurer – David Hall is offering to stay on for a further term, but we must find a new face to take over. Please talk to David or me if you can help or have someone in mind that can. Is there someone in Mini and Junior ranks that can get in involved and bring a new face to the Committee??

Secretary – Another role that we want to get someone new onboard, Ian Sutheran remains in post but would be delighted to hand over the reins. This role is an ideal one to give someone new a fairly easy introduction to the Committee and its functions, with little by way of secretarial tasks these days, you only need to be able to manage email and messaging to master this role..

Other areas that we want people involved in like Social Activities, Festivals and Club functions, these all need some volunteers to help and organise things each year. Please if you can, offer your help, join a team and be part of Your Club.

Thank you

Martyn Murney

Club Chairman

07986 251165