Club Announcement

Good morning Rugby Family,

Trying to write a post like this one is never easy, no matter how many times you re write it; it never seems to come out right.

It’s with a heavy heart that we write to you tonight, we have lost a family member. Under 14s coach Dan Brown passed away this week. Our thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to Dan’s family at this terrible time. Our thoughts also go out to the U14s cohort and the club as a whole. To those that knew him best, your Rugby family is here to support you through this tough time.

Dan will be fondly remembered and sadly missed, we have lost one of our own. We must now remember him for all the good times we have shared together.

Dan’s wife, Nic, wanted to pass on a few words..

Dan was a real family man; a home bird and everything was about family for him. Dan and I were lucky to have 25 years and 3 beautiful children together. He went so peacefully whilst sleeping, suffering no illness or injury, after a lovely family evening enjoying Dan’s cooking, jokes and laughing together. He was so passionate about the kids rugby, after playing for so many years himself. He would talk about it most days as he really wanted all the kids to develop and enjoy the game. He has touched so many people’s lives through friendships, family, work, rugby and football that so many will need to grieve his sudden departure in their own way. I will let you know about arrangements once we know more. Thanks. Nicola

Please do reach out if you need to, we are here to help and support each other.


Mr and Mrs Brown
Mr and Mrs Brown